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Case Study


Fixify logo for Tech Recruitment case study


  • Timeframe: 5 Months, 1,455 Candidates reached in our tech recruitment campaign; Site Lead appointed.


In this tech recruitment initiative, Rent a Recruiter collaborated with Fixify to understand their specific requirements and co-develop a strategy to source and target the right candidates in a highly competitive market. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, this was a nuanced plan that took advantage of both Fixify’s unique position in the market, as well as Rent a Recruiter’s knowledge of the local landscape.


Fixify was in the process of establishing their footprint in Ireland. As a startup, they needed to move quickly and keep costs under control. Aligning with Rent a Recruiter gave them local hiring knowledge and recruitment expertise to meet their unique hiring needs.

The primary tech recruitment challenge for the ‘Head of Helpdesk’ role was the urgency to find the right candidate within a limited timeframe. To address this, Rent a Recruiter and the hiring manager prioritised the most essential requirements for the role. Fixify’s hiring manager played a proactive role, reviewing applications before Rent a Recruiter engaged with candidates for screening calls. This collaboration significantly streamlined the process, enabling the identification and placement of the right candidate within the desired timeline.

Technical Specialist/Helpdesk Specialist: The challenge was to identify qualified candidates based on the right traits without burdening their internal teams. To make this process efficient, Rent a Recruiter worked with Fixify to develop detailed technical questions to use during their screening calls. This front-loaded the screening, relieving pressure on the hiring manager and speeding up the end-to-end process.



The outreach and engagement phase was pivotal in attracting high-caliber candidates. Rent a Recruiter utilized popular job boards such as LinkedIn and Indeed, ensuring wide visibility for the job openings. However, recognising the value of passive candidates, Rent a Recruiter also employed a direct approach. Potential candidates were contacted with personalised messages that included job specifications and invitations for initial phone conversations. Our tech recruitment approach not only broadened the talent pool but also helped in tapping into a segment of the market that is often overlooked.




  • 1,455 Candidates reached; Site Lead appointed.


  • Time critical
  • Attracting high quality candidates
  • Cost control


  • 1455 Candidates reached
  • Over 320 recruiting hours saved


“As CEO of Fixify, I have witnessed firsthand the impact that Rent a Recruiter had on our hiring process in a new territory. A combination of their cost structure and their dedicated staffing made them an attractive partner in our early days in Ireland. Their approach allowed us to quickly ramp, and to hire our Head of Helpdesk / Site Lead in a tight timeframe.”

Matt Peters

CEO, Fixify

The candidate assessment and selection process was meticulously designed to align with Fixify’s expectations. Rent a Recruiter conducted initial screening calls, leveraging questions provided by Fixify’s hiring managers. This ensured that only the candidates who met the specific criteria progressed through the hiring funnel. The process was not just about assessing technical skills but also about understanding the candidates’ compatibility with Fixify’s work culture and values.


Rent a Recruiter’s tech recruitment approach yielded impressive results across various roles. For the ‘Head of Helpdesk’ position from 9 CVs sent, 8 candidates were interviewed in the first round, 6 in the second, and 3 in the final round, leading to a successful placement. This demonstrates the efficacy of the screening process, where applications were reviewed by the hiring manager before proceeding to the first-round interview. For the ‘Technical/Helpdesk Specialist’ roles RAR submitted 48 CVs, with 7 candidates interviewed, resulting in 2 offers.

Conclusion: This partnership exemplifies how tailored tech recruitment strategies significantly enhance the hiring process and outcomes. Through meticulous planning, proactive outreach, and adaptive problem-solving, Rent a Recruiter successfully navigated the challenges presented by the dynamic and competitive tech industry.

The results speak for themselves: efficient hiring processes, high-quality candidate placements, and the fulfillment of specific role requirements within stringent timelines.


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Trained talent acquisition specialists seamlessly integrate with your internal teams. 


We manage the full recruitment process on your behalf, ensuring consistency of service at all times.



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