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Top 5 Recruitment Trends for 2022

Recruitment Blog

July 7, 2022

HomeRecruitment BlogTop 5 Recruitment Trends for 2022
Top 5 Recruitment Trends for 2022

Recruitment as we know it has changed dramatically in the past year. Employers and recruiters now must be creative and agile in their talent strategy.

The demand for talent is greater than the supply, and talent shortages are at a 10-year high. By 2030, it’s predicted more than 85 million jobs could go unfilled because there aren’t enough skilled people to fill them. At the same time, we’re dealing with a Great Resignation boom that’s seen 38% of workers plan to look for a new job in the next 12 months, and a further 39% open to new opportunities.

With these alarming stats in mind, recruiters are now taking a new and very strategic approach. You can no longer enough sit back and expect candidates to apply for roles, now you must actively find people to apply for all of your listed roles. This is a timely exercise and recruitment teams are struggling to keep up with the ever-growing job role list, as well as finding talent.

We think below should absolutely be on your talent strategy for 2022.

1. Employer branding

In 2022, the way you present your brand will have a direct impact on your ability to attract and win talent. Every post you make and every job ad you write tells your brand story. Is everything aligning? Is your employer brand very clear? And what makes it stand out from the crowd?

Your employer brand isn’t just the way your organisation looks. It’s also reflected in how you treat your candidates at every stage of the hiring journey – whether they’re successful or not. In 2022, your candidate experience is integral to your employer brand. At Rent A Recruiter, we are passionate about treating every single person with respect and empathy. You never know when you will need to reach out to talent down the track.

2. Candidate experience

A poor candidate experience has repercussions — 49% of jobseekers would reject a job offer after receiving a bad candidate experience. With demand for talent outstripping supply, jobseekers are in control. Talented people know they have multiple options, and they won’t be afraid to say no to an offer if their expectations aren’t met.

Think about every step that a candidate can make and how you can ensure the process is smooth, streamlined and the message consistent. If you say you will be in touch, then keep your word.

Candidates want to know about your business before they even make the decision to apply or accept a reach out. This doesn’t mean just a visit to your website, this means finding out what working for you is like.

Thing’s candidates want to know about:

  • the businesses mission and values
  • flexible work arrangements
  • culture
  • career growth
  • company growth
  • leadership
  • benefits
  • diversity, equity and inclusion
  • corporate social responsibility

Try to personalise candidate communications as much as possible. People can tell when you send off bulk generic messages, and it doesn’t reflect well on your employer brand. Lean on automation to do the heavy lifting and you’ll be able to send personalised, engaging messages that make all your candidates feel valued.

3. Zero wasted potential

In 2020, many businesses were forced to redeploy talent at-speed to survive. Organisations began to see that internal mobility could work —and that it was a crucial source of untapped skills. In today’s workforce, skills are currency. In many cases the people that you already have working for you can do many other jobs based on their skills. We are seeing a rise in AI when it comes to recruitment to build a world where you can see people’s skills, experience, passions, and potential in one place. These systems can help you fill roles instantly, deploy talent anywhere in the business, and upskill employees as your business evolves.

Check out this great platform that we love which does just that! Reejig

4. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I)

More than 75% of jobseekers state diversity is an important factor for them when evaluating companies and job offers. And 39% of candidates reject a role or do not proceed with a job application due to a perceived lack of inclusiveness within the organisation. Businesses should be showcasing “people like me” stories on all platforms.

Without a doubt, the pandemic has increasingly shone a light on the topic of mental health. Retaining diverse talents is also about how people feel when working for you. Since home office has reduced the number of contact hours between employees and employers, prioritising mental health and wellbeing should not be forgotten in the era of digitalisation.

5. Remote working

Hybrid working doesn’t just mean working from home or the office, it is so much more. In a hybrid work model, employees have more flexibility to get work done when they’re most productive. For example, some people work best early in the morning while others do better in the evening. They can also choose to work with teammates on-site or do heads-down work from a remote location.

Candidates are expecting a flexible, clear plan for remote work. People are used to the flexibility and freedom of a work from home lifestyle, and they don’t want to go back to the office full-time. In fact, 34% of employees say that they would look for a new role if their employer didn’t provide remote work options.

To realise the opportunities of hybrid working, organisations must get clear on the rights and obligations of – and towards – their employees. From workplace health and safety, to impacts on remuneration and performance management, organisations risk impacts on staff retention, productivity and costs unless they take the necessary steps to make hybrid working work.

Things have shifted since the pandemic started and employers now must really sell themselves to candidates, which is a complete turnaround from what employers are used to. Businesses now must have a clear talent strategy in place, or they will be left behind.

If you find yourself needing some extra assistance with finding talent, reach out so we can find the best way to make an impact in your business.

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