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Mastering Workforce Upskilling

 Special Guests

Breda O’Toole, Head of Talent Development and Digitalisation at  IDA Ireland and Carmel Keane, Head of HR at Fort Wayne Metals.

In the latest episode of The Talent Fix podcast, Barry Prost dives into this critical topic alongside two esteemed guests: Breda O’Toole, Head of Talent Development and Digitalisation at  IDA Ireland and Carmel Keane, Head of HR at Fort Wayne Metals. Together, we explore strategies, trends, and practical examples for embedding continuous learning into organisational cultures.

Why Upskilling is Crucial in Today’s Workplace

The rapid pace of technological advancements, coupled with shifts in global job market demands, has placed upskilling at the forefront of business strategies. By 2027, it’s anticipated that nearly 60% of employees will require retraining to meet evolving job requirements. Ireland, a growing tech and innovation hub, is at the epicenter of these changes, with over 500,000 individuals needing upskilling by 2030 to sustain its competitive edge.

Key Themes from the Podcast

1. Trends Shaping Workforce Upskilling

Breda O’Toole emphasised four pillars driving workforce transformation in Ireland:

  • Digitalisation: Equipping employees with foundational and advanced digital skills.
  • Innovation: Building organisational cultures where research and development thrive.
  • Sustainability: Integrating green practices into skill development.
  • Talent Development: Aligning learning initiatives with business goals for long-term growth.

2. Overcoming Challenges to Embrace Continuous Learning

Despite government-funded upskilling programs, engaging employers and employees remains a challenge. Breda highlighted the importance of leadership buy-in as a catalyst for success. Additionally, organisations like IDA Ireland and Skillnet Ireland offer invaluable guidance and resources to bridge skills gaps effectively.

3. Practical Case Study: Fort Wayne Metals

Carmel Keane shared a compelling example of how Fort Wayne Metals has embraced upskilling. By developing a skills matrix and leveraging internal apprenticeship models, the company has transformed employees from diverse backgrounds—including hairdressers and construction workers—into precision medical solutions specialists. This holistic approach integrates hands-on training, mentorship, and partnerships with educational institutions.

Strategies for Building a Future-Ready Workforce

  1. Leadership Commitment: Securing executive buy-in ensures alignment between business and learning strategies.
  2. Skills Assessment: Use tools like skills matrices to identify gaps and opportunities for development.
  3. External Partnerships: Collaborate with organisations such as Skillnet, IDA Ireland, and regional skills forums for funding and expertise.
  4. Flexible Learning Models: Incorporate on-the-job training, mentorship, and structured education programs tailored to diverse employee needs.

Upskilling isn’t just a strategy; it’s a necessity for organisations aiming to stay ahead in today’s dynamic job market. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and leveraging available resources, businesses can unlock the potential of their workforce and drive sustained growth.

For more actionable insights, listen to the full episode of The Talent Fix featuring Breda O’Toole and Carmel Keane.


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